Three years ago, four friends and I embarked on a journey to the ghost town of Helena, TX. We spent two days filming what at the time was the biggest production we had ever worked on together. Our cameras were just a few weeks old, we got them under the tree for Christmas and we were going to make a full length documentary on Texas ghost towns.
Despite our hard work, some footage got lost and we never got to editing our first and only Deserted Texas episode. With a little love and creativity I’ve saved our episode so it can now be shared with the world. I included our incomplete episode in my Camera Roll Vlog in an effort to keep our dream alive!
I started the Camera Roll Vlog to showcase orphaned photos and video clips that were taken and then forgotten about in my photo library. With 100,000 photos and video clips in my library—I have a lot of content to share! This fun project keeps me creatively active and reminds me of all the amazing sights I’ve seen that I thought at one point were photo/video worthy.
Deserted Texas began as a desire to photograph ghost towns and evolved into a collaborative project. I want to keep that project alive. We had great times and took awesome photos!
I hope to have many more adventures with Deserted Texas!